Friday, April 27, 2012

Amazing Documentary

Glenn Beck has just release a must-see documentary entitled "Rumors of War III: Target U.S." It goes into tremendous and terrifying detail about the threats presented by Islamists and how the United States government is actually encouraging the spread of groups like the Muslim Brotherhood. A series of experts from the media, law enforcement, politics, and the military discuss some of the deadliest threats to American security, many of which I have discussed previously on The New Knighthood, including Iran and Hezbollah's connections on the southern border.

Go to this link: GBTV is a paid subscription site, but they are offering a two-week free trial so as many people as possible can get this information. If you have friends or loved ones who are not yet awake to these threats, this would be a great way to open their eyes. If you are disturbed by the current dangers Islamists present to America (and the rest of the Western world), this documentary will provide a great depth of information in a very reasonable amount of time.

Watch the video. Spread the message. Take a stand.
Better Dead than Dhimmi!

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