All right. I realize that this story has been examined ad nauseam in the media already, but I still had some thoughts and questions that I would like to bring to the table. For those of you who have been living under a rock (but strangely are able to make it to this blog), on July 22nd an explosion rocked downtown Oslo. As the Norwegian authorities scrambled to make sense of the devastation, a man dressed in a police uniform approached a political summer camp run by the Labor Party and began mercilessly slaughtering the children present. In total, about 76 people had been killed (though early reports had a higher number of dead) by both attacks. While a Muslim terrorist group initially claimed credit for the attack, it was soon discovered that the perpetrator was 32-year old Anders Behring Breivik, a native Norwegian who claimed that the attacks were in response to unchecked Muslim immigration. The apparent motive of the attacks was to draw attention to his "cause" and to spark similar acts of violence across Europe. As quick as the media have been to call Breivik a "Christian extremist," a number of prominent conservative thinkers including Bill O'Reilly and Ann Coulter have shown that this claim is irresponsible and intellectually dishonest. But this post is not about retreading what is by now old territory. Instead, I would simply like to make some observations and ask some questions that have still not been answered to my satisfaction. As such, there will be relatively few links to other websites. After all, if someone has the information that I want, I wouldn't need to ask the question.
The way I see it, there are two possible explanations for this attack. The first is that the radical nationalist elements in Europe have begun their counter-assault on the encroaching Islamist presence in their countries. This sort of thing, unfortunately, is frankly inevitable and will only continue to get worse as the sane elements of the anti-Jihad are demonized and ignored. People with good intentions will be pushed to violence because it will be the only recourse left to them by the ruling elites. By no means do I intend to excuse or justify any of these violent actions or those who commit them. On the contrary, I do what I do so that the sane people of the Western world can shake off the coma that has consumed their society before a violent conflict becomes necessary. But there are genuine monsters lurking on the edges of society that will take advantage of the chaos that is headed our way (and already started in some places) to commit truly hideous acts. This guy, in particular, has earned my ire for his almost comical misuse of the Knights Templar as a symbol to "purify" traditionally Christian lands. Seriously, how come no one has called him (or those who parrot the line) on this simple fact: the Knights Templar did not exist to kill Muslims, they existed to ensure safe travel to the Holy Land for Christian pilgrims. The "Knights Templar" that Breivik talks about are closer to a Dan Brown novel than historical reality.
The second possibility is one that I have heard (or read) no one considering: a false flag attack. A false flag attack occurs when one group attacks a second group but makes it look as if a third group was responsible. Before you dismiss me as a conspiracy theorist, I am not saying that I believe that this is the case, or even that it is likely, but the implications should be examined regardless. From the beginning, I have thought that Breivik seems to be a caricature of Christianity and the political right, spewing almost nonsensical statements that the media seizes upon without hesitation. To be fair, many in the left-leaning media view most right-wing Christians as closet psychopaths seeking to kill anyone different from themselves, so no one would expect them to find Breivik's statements to be ridiculously over-the-top. The man's "manifesto" was largely copied from the work of the Unabomber. The rest of Breivik's manifesto also presents a problem for those seeking to easily categorize him as a Christian fundamentalist as he lays out plans to work with "the enemies of the EU/US hegemony such as Iran (South Korea is unlikely), al-Qaeda, al-Shabaab or the rest of the devout factions of the Islamic Ummah with the intention for deployment of small nuclear, radiological, biological or chemical weapons in Western European capitals and other high priority locations" (pg. 959 of "A European Declaration of Independence). So the media tells us that Breivik wants to kill the first Muslim that he sees, yet he is actively planning on working with al-Qaeda, al-Shabaab, and Iran! Not to mention the fact that his Facebook and Twitter accounts, which provided the media with his earliest "pro-Christian" statements, had only been set up five days before the attack took place and such an attack would have taken much longer than a week to plan and organize. Adding to the discrepancies are his sudden ability to construct a relatively sophisticated explosive device (which, as the attempted Times Square bomber, the Underpants Bomber, and several other examples have proven, is not an easy task even with a moderate level of training).
No matter which scenario is correct, there is no doubt that the game has changed. I actually hope that this is a false flag attack by one of the "usual suspects" because that means that ordinary Europeans still have more time to prepare themselves morally and spiritually for the coming crisis. But if this was, as Breivik hoped, the first shot in some sort of war we will not have long to wait before another attack occurs. The explosive element of the Oslo attack at least suggests the hand of a larger group (not al-Qaeda sized, but larger than a kook with a chemistry set) which could possibly be operating internationally. Again this is speculative at the moment, but consider the situation that Europe is in right now. Communist revolutionaries are already active throughout Europe, especially in economically troubled nations like Greece or Portugal. Any reader of this blog knows (or is just a few clicks away from knowing) how active Islamist revolutionaries are throughout Europe. For example, a recent study showed that over the past five years every rape committed by a stranger (i.e., not incest) and in which the rapist was identified by the victim was by a Muslim immigrant and targeted almost exclusively native Norwegians. As the situation worsens, the ordinary people of Europe may seek protection from both of these groups and find their governments unable or unwilling to provide it. When that happens, nationalist "right-wing" (although the term is misleading when applied to European politics) revolutionaries will present themselves as a bastion against the barbarian hordes threatening to tear down European society. The moderate, sane voices will be drowned out (or eliminated) and the people of the Western world will find themselves increasingly squeezed from the center and toward one of these three anti-freedom factions as they struggle for dominance. Don't believe me? Take a look at Europe between the end of World War I and the start of World War II to find a situation eerily similar to our own (except we have the added bonus of radical Muslims blowing themselves up in major cities).
There's nothing like good news, and this post has been nothing like good news. I may not present a bright shiny future of hovercars and universal brotherhood, but I strive to tell you exactly what I believe may be headed our way. Please let me know your thoughts on the subject in the Comments section, and keep tuning in (metaphorically speaking) each week.
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